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Run Well Mama


Run Well Mama

Claire Coveney

I am a Mum so I am of course drawn to the many websites, Facebook groups and resources out there about Mums running.

And what an amazing thing they are, so supportive and a great way to connect with other women, other Mums who want to get out there and run. Whether to shed some baby weight, escape from the kids, have some "Me" time or generally get fitter and healthier. Wow running is amazing for so many things...

But there are also in these groups so many comments about little, niggles, aches, pains or something just not feeling quite right.

Most runners in this instance will look at new shoes, gait analysis (which usually looks at how the foot lands in order to recommend a certain type of shoe), try to fix the problem in isolation (thinking its just my knee instead of looking at the whole coordination of running), or even just plug in some music and push on through.

But who has ever thought about the balance of their head on their body? Your head weighs around 5kg or more, so it's relationship to the rest of you is pretty important. FM Alexander the founder of The Alexander Technique found this relationship to be vital in how we carry out our daily activities. For many of us however we interfere with this relationship, squashing out heads down on our bodies and interfering with our coordination. We may not even know that we are doing this. But imagine the freedom, ease and lightness you could achieve from letting go of this to find a better coordination. It really is like taking off the brakes in your run.

So even if you are just starting out running with a couch to 5k or are running longer distances then why not learn to run well and find ease and coordination in your run.

So don't just run, run well Mama.

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